




Impressing Your Target Requires Reaching Your Target

In the age of streaming, OTT, connected, broadcast, digital and social media, your targets spend most of their time looking at screens. Phones, PCs and TV screens. Holbrook Multi Media has made significant investments in technology and training to provide our clients with the most current and sophisticated methods available to ensure their message is on the ‘right screens’ at the ‘right time’ to make the strongest impression on their customers and prospects. Cost per sale nosedive as measurable brand awareness and results skyrocket.

As proud as we are at what we’ve accomplished so far with our investment in this new age of media, we remain diligent in keeping pace with the technology so no Holbrook client is ever without the most impressive methods to make the best possible impression on those they want to impress most.

One Acadiana

“Working with Holbrook Multi Media means leveraging their remarkable expertise for every stage of a production. They are a pleasure to work with, time and again, often going above and beyond client expectations.”

Chasah West

Manager, Communications


“After our initial meeting with Jenn and Bob, we knew immediately that Holbrook Multi Media would be a good fit for SLEMCO. We are looking forward to many years of collaboration with them as we share SLEMCO’s Story with our members and the entire Acadiana area.”

Mary Laurent

Communications Manager

Festivals Acadiens et Creoles

“For years Holbrook Multi Media has been our go to company for producing our 30 second commercials highlighting the unique cultural aspects of the festival! The professional and creative ways they present the festival in a fun and interesting way is second to none.”

Patrick Mould

VP of Programming & Development

Experience the Power of Results-Focused

Marketing, Advertising
and Production.

Do you have a special project, campaign, video, or audio production? Or simply need help with a marketing problem?

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